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International conference "Mediterranean crossings. Soldiers, prisoners and converts between permeable borders (16th-18th centuries)"
Date: 13th-14th January 2021

Venues: Università degli studi di Palermo (Italy) and Cisco Webex virtual platform

Scientific Coordinators: Bruno Pomara (University of Valencia), Giovanna Fiume (University of Palermo), Rita Foti (University of Palermo)

Conference Manager: José María Lozano Jiménez (University of Valencia)
Official email of the conference:

Links to connect:
- 13/01/2021:

Meeting number: 126 775 8629 Meeting Password: MJpmSZ2Vd88

- 14/01/2021:

Meeting number: 126 552 5641 Meeting password: HQndwKpM743


13th January. MORNING
10h00 – Welcome remarks
Alessandro Bellavista, Director of the DEMS Department, University of Palermo
Emir Filipovic, WG2 Leader of IS-LE Cost Action, University of Sarajevo

10h15 – Giovanna Fiume, Rita Foti, University of Palermo, Introduction

10h30 – KEYNOTE 1: Guillaume Calafat, University Paris 1, Perpetual Peace or Perpetual War? Trade, Captivity and the Boundaries of Hospitality in the Mediterranean (17th-18th centuries)

11h30 – Break

11h45 – Session 1. Christian-Muslim captivity: forms, instruments, institutions
Chair: Pier Francesco Asso, University of Palermo

Magnus Ressell, Goethe University, Institutionalizing ransoming of Lutheran sailors: The Case of the Hanseatic and Danish “Sklavenkassen”

Dana Silvia Caciur, Nicolae Iorga Institute of History, “Liberar captivi Turchi et Murlachi”. The Venetian involvement in recovering kidnapped Ottoman subjects in mid. 16th century Dalmatia

Michele Bosco, University of Florence, ‘The task of redeeming wretched Christians’. Captives ransom in Early-Modern Southern Italy (XVII-XVIII centuries)

13h15 – End of the session 1

13th January. AFTERNOON
16h00 - Session 2. Life as converts. Slaves and Renegades
Chair: Valentina Favarò, University of Palermo

Giulia Bonazza, University Ca’ Foscari, Conversions of captives and slaves in Mediterranean in the 18th century: the cases of Rome and Venice

Francesco Caprioli¸ Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, The Mediterranean Networks of the Kapudan Pasha Uluç Ali: Slaves and Renegades between Personal Diplomacy and Ottoman Foreign Policy (1568-1585)

17h00 – Break

Ferenc Tóth, Institute of History of the Research Center for the Humanities Budapest, Adventurers, Deserters or Advisers? The Role of Renegades in the Service of the Ottoman Empire during the First Half of the 18th Century

Emrah Safa Gürkan, İstanbul 29 Mayıs University, À la recherche d’une famille perdue: Conversion, Memory and the “Cicala Connection” in Sixteenth-Century Mediterranean

18h15 – End of the session 2

14th January. MORNING

10h00 – KEYNOTE 2: Maria Fusaro, University of Exeter, The Legal Framework of Long-Distance Trade: Ius Commune, Common Law and Islamic Laws in the Early Modern Mediterranean

11h00 – Session 3. Slavery and captivity: legislation, international agreements, diplomatic networks
Chair: Ida Fazio, University of Palermo

Aneliya Stoyanova, Center of Advanced Studies Sofia, An Example for Inner-dynastic Cooperation: Imperial Support in Redeeming Spanish Subjects from Ottoman Captivity after the Battle of Djerba (1560). The Case of Álvaro de Sande

Viorel Panaite, University of Bucharest, Setting free French Captives in the Ottoman Mediterranean at late-sixteenth and early-seventeenth century. Legal and Diplomatic Questions

11h40 – Break

Annalisa Biagianti, University of Pisa, The "Fiton case". The protection of maritime labour in front of the danger of slavery

Jake Dyble, University of Exeter and University of Pisa, Slavery, Jettison, and General Average in the Seventeenth-Century Mediterranean

13h15 – End of the session 3

14th January. AFTERNOON

15h00 – Session 4. Deconstructing Identities and Cultural Questions
Chair: Borja Franco Llopis, UNED

Maria Luisa Ricci, UNED, Iconographical experimentation for a controversial condition. The Muslim and Christian slaves in the vision of Saint John of Matha in Livorno

James Nelson Novoa University of Ottawa, The Alcácer Quivir prisioners. A theatre of encounter and alterity in the Magreb

Houssem Eddine Chachia, University of Sfax, Being a Muslim in Early Modern Europe: how the Muslim, travellers and diplomats treated their Islam in a “hostile” context?

16h15 – Break

Luis F. Bernabé Pons, University of Alicante, Expressions of dominance in captivity in the lands of Islam. Interposed sensibilities?

Lucia Dacome, University of Toronto, Bodily Crossings: Ottoman Captives and the World of Healing in Early Modern Italy

Agata S. Nalborczyk, University of Warsaw, Salomea Regina Plisztynowa (1718-1760) – a Polish female doctor, traveller, and (maybe) spy in the Ottoman Empire

17h45 – Bruno Pomara, University of Valencia, Closing remarks

información recibida 12/1/2021



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